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Harry Potter Wands {by Jonathan}

Hello friends! It's already Thursday again, and I have a kind of a different post for ya. If you're a Harry Potter fan, read on! If you don't like Harry Potter or you just haven't read Harry Potter, go read it or give it another try. If you're not allowed, well, respect the wishes of your parents, they mean well 😊 But most of you know (regardless of whether you're into Harry Potter or not) that most 'wizards' need wands, right? Of course!

Last year my dad bought a lathe. That's woodworking language for a giant thing that you put wood on and it spins it around very quickly, so in other words, that's how your tables have round, decorative legs. It's quite an interesting tool, and my brother quickly realized that it could be used for wands. Real, sturdy, not expensive/plastic/flimsy ones that are "legit." These are some amazing quality wands, and my brother knew that they were awesome. He set up an Ebay page, but nobody really saw it, because, y'know, publicity and stuff. After a while, he kinda just stopped making them.

Fast forward to the beginning of the next year. Jonathan goes back to a real school, and his friends suddenly realize that he makes wands. Mom's piano students just watched Harry Potter. All at once he has at least 5 orders for wands, and it is necessary for him to get them done. And what better blog post opportunity than stinking Harry Potter wands?

Down we descend into the icky basement, where many things lie (including spiders and our gigantic Lego collection) over to the wood working shop...

The wand already looks so good! It's for one of his school friends.

These tools are what make the wand unique; you start out with a square block of wood and slowly whittle it into a circle and several different designs. The wood is spinning so fast that when you touch it with one of these tools, sawdust goes everywhere!

It's super cool to watch.

Look at that concentration! O_O

Here's one of my favorite ones he's made. It looks like a long, skinny carrot! It's not mine though - mine was the second one he ever made! (But it was evading me when I was looking for it so...sorry guys 🙃

That's all for today! Sorry it's a bit of a shorter post, but I just think that these are so darn cool. If y'all are interested in getting one, email me, and I could maybe set you up with one for about $15. They're amazing for gifts, too.

Have a great rest of your day and weekend!

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