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Finding the Good

Hey guys, today I have a more reflective post for you. I've been thinking a lot recently about being positive, which seems really cliche, (as this whole post today may or may not be :|) but it's so true. I am one of the many in this world who gets a little gloomy during the cold months. It's really not that bad, but I find myself really annoyed by the cold, lack of light, and non-excitedness of life. Normally I'm a very optimistic person; I can almost always spring back pretty quickly after something bad happens. I get my grief done in a day or two and then I'm fine. However, sometimes that "annoying thing" is not big enough that it gives me that much grief, but instead spreads it thinly over my life like a peanut butter sandwich. Sorry for that weird simile...

Basically, I'm still pretty happy, but I'm more irritable and annoyed at the cold. This can not only have negative effects on me, but it can on my family. If I'm grumpy, they have to deal with me! So this winter, I'm going to try to find the good in every sucky situation. Starting today. So here are a few ways that you and I can find the goodness in every part of life, even the not-so-great ones.

1.) Live in the moment. This day, hour, minute, this second is only going to happen once. I know, super cliche, but someday you're gonna look back and say, "I wish I had enjoyed that." For example, It is SUPER hard for me to enjoy the snow. But maybe someday I'll live in a place that doesn't have snow, or there are a few years that we just don't get snow, and I'll look back upon the previous winters and all I'll have to remember is how annoyed I was at it. This is gonna be a hard one for me this year, but I'm going to try to enjoy it while it's here.

2.) Think Positive. Wow, I really wasn't kidding about this whole cliche thing, was I? However, when I get annoyed at the cold or lack of sunlight, I get grumpy and focus only on the bad things. I think, "oh, this is just terrible. It gets dark so early, and it's freezing cold. There's not even something like Christmas to look forward to." In reality, we are blessed with so many good things, but we just choose to overlook them. Snow, for example, (despite the coldness) is actually very beautiful, and in some places (like way down South) they don't get snow. It's all perspective, really. We just need to choose happy over boxing ourselves in with gloominess.

3.) Be Thankful. Like I said above, each and every one of us is blessed in so many ways that we can't even count. So maybe you had a really sucky day, or you're sick, or any non-optimistic situation. The fact that you're alive is already a huge thing to be happy about; if you're sick, be glad that we have access to amazing medicines nowadays, or that you have someone to care for you. If everything is going wrong for you and you find yourself slipping into that fog of depression, just stop to remember all that God has done for you. A great song to remember is Count Your Blessings. It is a reminder to us that we are always in the hands of God.

  1. When upon life’s billows you are tempest-tossed, When you are discouraged, thinking all is lost, Count your many blessings, name them one by one, And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.

  • Refrain: Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your blessings, see what God has done! Count your blessings, name them one by one, Count your many blessings, see what God has done

  1. Are you ever burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear? Count your many blessings, every doubt will fly, And you will keep singing as the days go by.

  2. When you look at others with their lands and gold, Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold; Count your many blessings—*money cannot buy [*wealth can never buy] Your reward in heaven, nor your home on high.

  3. So, amid the conflict whether great or small, Do not be discouraged, God is over all; Count your many blessings, angels will attend, Help and comfort give you to your journey’s end.

4.) Do Something Happy. If you're finding yourself being pressed in on all sides by gloominess, do something that you know will give you joy. Go for a walk, admire the beauty of nature. Read a book. Write or draw. Talk with your best friend. Jam to some music. Play a game with a sibling. It's pretty probable that if something usually cheers you up, it won't fail you this time. So go make yourself laugh!

5.) Pray. If you've tried and tried and tried to get a smile back on your face and nothing seems to work, go to God. He promises that he will never let one of his children be sad/hurt. When we go to God in prayer, we need to remind him of his promise, that he will "Do all things for the good of those who love him." God is always faithful, and he will always come to your rescue, no matter what. For example, I get scared super easily. When I try to go to bed at night, often I'll only dwell on those things that scare me, and I won't be able to sleep at all because I'm paranoid that they're going to come true. This has happened to me a ton recently (I accidentally saw a bunch of clips from horror movies...) and I have been pleading with God, saying one phrase over and over along with a reminder of his promise. (I call them demons because they "haunt" my thoughts in a way) "God, please take my demons away. Please take my demons away." Over and over, and God always answers my prayer. It may not be as soon as I like it, but he always does, because he has a plan and is in control. Thinking positive thoughts also helps :)

6.) Read the Bible. I know that it is a struggle for everyone to be consistent about reading their Bible, and that is one weakness of mine as well. But we all (myself definitely included) need to be quick to read the Bible when we're in times of trouble. There are countless passages in there about encouragement; basically go to the Psalms and you will find at least one that you relate to, much less 10 or 20, or all of them. God doesn't want his children to suffer, so go to his word to find instruction for any part of your life.

Thank you so much for joining me on my quest to stay above the seasonal depression! I hope that some of these will be helpful to you guys in the future, because I really think that they'll help me. I'll see you guys later!

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