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The Liebster Award!!!

Good morning, y'all! I have {another} extra post for you guys, and this time it's the Liebster Award! I was tagged by the amazing Olivia, from Purely Olivia. I've mentioned her a few times in the past month or two, but you guys, I LOVE her blog. It's so beautiful, and it's got amazing quality posts. If you love to read, GO CHECK HER OUT. Do it.


-Thank the person who nominated you (Thanks Olivia!)

-Answer the 11 questions they gave you.

-Name 11 facts about yourself

-Nominate 11 bloggers to do this tag, and let them know

-Give them 11 questions to answer


Do you prefer big bookstores or small, one-of-a-kind ones?

Definitely small ones. Barnes and Noble and stores like that are awesome, don't get me wrong, but I always get a tingly feeling when I walk into a small bookstore. It's like a little mundane kind of "magic" - I don't really know how to describe it.

Who is your inspiration?

I'm really inspired by nature. I'm not one of those super green people, but when I don't know what to write, I just look outside and my imagination goes wild. I can usually come up with a story at that point :D

When did you first think about starting a blog, and why?

Back up two years ago, and my friend told me about Aria's blog. I had always kind of thought that being a blogger would be awesome, but I never realized that I wanted to do it until then. But even then, I didn't know how to start one. I had no idea that Wix or WordPress even existed. The next year, my computer class learned how to make a website - and a month later I had opened A Little Bit of Runion!

What does a typical day in your life look like?

I wake up at around 7:30 in the morning, and putz around for a while until my mom and I drive out to her work. She teaches piano at a college, so I hang out in a practice room all day, take online classes through Wilson Hill Academy, and do homework/blogging/other stuff that too often includes pinterest. After school, we go home at 3 ish, and some days I have lessons, and other days my mom teaches private students. On weekend evenings, my family and I watch Psych or Netflix.

What's your favorite of your blog posts?

Uh......I'm not quite sure. *scrolls through wix blog app* definitely Finding the Good. It's a post I did in November-ish in preparation for January Depression. I think I need to go reread that!

Given the chance, where would you travel in the world?

London! I've thought about this a lot, and as much as I want to go everywhere all the time, I really, really want to see London. It was the home of so many great writers, and {I'm obsessed with British accents} I just love tea and all of that British Stuff. Take me to where the people dress nicely and act how they should.

Libraries or Bookstores?

Confession time: I don't actually go to either that much. Sometimes we don't have time to go out and buy a ton of books, and when we do, I read stuff that we already have or can download on my nook. It's also super convenient that my dad's an English teacher, because whenever his department gets rid of loads of books {I know, I'm crying too!} he brings home my favorites :D He knows me very well. But given the chance, probably bookstores. Then I can own more books 😊

Cookies or Ice Cream?

Cookies ftw! I really love baking, sharing, and mostly eating any kind of cookies. They're so versatile, and they're *sometimes* better for you than ice cream. However, I do love ice cream, especially when it's with cookies!

What is your favorite month of the year, and why?

What is it with tags and super hard questions? I love most months, but I would probably say July. It's not the most beautiful in terms of nature, but it's the month that I always get to see my Csehy friends. Last year, it was the month we started our trip! Besides, I love the heat.

What was the proudest day of your life?

Well...there could be a lot of these. Happiest was probably when we arrived at the ocean last year. But proudest...on Friday I had my MCSMA audition (where you audition, they judge you, and you could get into an all-county orchestra) and despite being nervous, I rocked that solo. That was probably the best I've ever played!

What's your favorite movie adaptation of a book?

I would say Emma. Pride and Prejudice 1995 was amazing, too, but the 2009 version of Emma was SO close to the book and SO perfect. Michael Gambon can't get any better! Also, I still can't get over that book. My parents said that it dragged on forever and was so hard to read, but I sped through it and loved it. Still one of my favorite books!

11 Facts about Me

1. I take online classes - only one of my classes is taught by one of my parents.

2. My mom vowed never to let one of her kids take violin because of the out of tune squeakiness - but then when I started taking I wasn't ever really off-pitch.

3. I am terrible at thinking up facts about me whenever I'm asked.

4. I watch mostly the same movies over and over and over.

5. I am half of a perfectionist - some things I will do to perfection, other things I'll get bored halfway through.

6. I have never eaten kale.

7. A vast majority of my friends live in other states.

8. I've been to half of the country.

9. I've never been on a plane.

10. My family calls me several things, some including Catnip and Catharsis.

11. My favorite thing is deep conversations with close friends. If we chat for an hour about our problems and insecurities, I will probably like you 99% more.

I Nominate...

Riley Aline @ Riley Aline | Ella Marie @ February Fairy | Esther @ Misty Rain | Danielle @ Donuts and Daydreams | Katie Grace @ A Writer's Faith | Sarah @ Introverted Extrovert | Kimberly @ Free Perspectives |Michaiah @ Notebooks & Novels | McKenna @ To the Stars and Never Back | Apollo @ Killjoy | Rebecca @ Joy Unspeakable

Questions for the Nominees:

1. Where is the farthest you have been from home?

2. Why did you start blogging?

3. What's your favorite season?

4. What was the best day of your life?

5. Cats or Dogs?

6. **UPDATE: I asked question 3 twice so sorry guys, What's your favorite song?**

7. Have you ever wished that you could go back in time? Why?

8. Vintage or Modern?

9. Math/Science or Writing/Art/Music?

10. What's your dream vacation?

11. Tea or coffee?

And that's all for now! I hope you guys enjoyed getting to know me better, and I hope y'all check out some of the blogs I nominated. I actually discovered new blogs in trying to find people to nominate who haven't been nominated already, so I would definitely say that this is an awesome award! Kudos to whoever invented it. Happy Monday!

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