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Give Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm late, I know, but please excuse an excursion down to Pennsylvania, where I ate, laughed, ate, had fun with family, ate, shopped, ate, met with friends, and ate a ton more. I had a great time. I was fully intending to post on Friday about something or another, but that slipped away from me in the hours spent playing Clyde and the parakeets with my amazing cousin (hi Emilia, if you're reading this), eating, shopping, and drinking coffee in an attempt to make up for sleep I lost in trying to sleep on the floor. And yes, I did read Charles Dickens for roughly half of 5 1/4 hours, in case you're wondering why my sentences are extraordinarily long and complicated. *slaps self* Ok, I'll skip the formalities and get to my main point: I may have been busy, but I was still able to take a few pictures. *winks* *awkward finger guns*

On Thursday evening, I was able to steal away with my awesome cousin into the cornfield behind my grandparents' house. And of course, I stole away my camera with me, for it was the perfect moment to take pretty OK pictures - sunset!!! (And yes, Kylee, the Cornfield song was running through my head the entire time)

(Sorry it's a bit blurry)

^ Kudos to the farmer who owns that place for having a very lovely aesthetic farm. It makes for cool pics ;)

Thursday night was ended with a spontaneous shopping trip at the Park City Mall in Lancaster which started late but ended later - by the time we got home it was well past midnight.

Friday was pretty good too - after a lazy morning, we went over to the Lititz Rec Center and went swimming. It was very fun; my brother and I spent a great amount of time figuring out how to go down the water slide as quickly as possible and as slowly as possible, and I also figured out that I am terrible at freestyle, ok at backstroke, and awesome at elementary backstroke. Yee. Oh, and that I have breathing problems.

Saturday was a more action packed day. We started off by going to Downtown Lititz (the cutest, quaintest town EVER) to shop the small business Saturday sales. We didn't get anything except for 2 whoopie pies and a few pictures, but it was a blast anyways.

(Sorry it's a teensy bit blurry - it was on my brother's phone and the lighting wasn't great)

A bit later, we made the journey out to Lebanon, PA to get the best pretzels in the world (Shuey's - omw they're amazing) and see my great grandpa. While we were out there, we went shopping. I only went to TJMaxx, but I did find a cute grey top, so I declare it a success. Yee. Afterwards, we had pizza at Pete's Pizza (say that five times fast) and had to say goodbye to our cousins. *sniffling* It was quite sad. However, after we drove home, we started getting really excited - Jonathan and I were going to meet a friend at Starbucks!!

(I have a ton of other pictures that I might post later, but they're on her phone)

My friend Sarah Etter is honestly one of the most amazing people I know. She's brilliant, kind, hilarious, and super fun to be around. She is one of our closest friends, so we get together as often as we can when we're in Lancaster. We got to meet her brother, too. We talked, laughed, and had caffeinated beverages for 2 1/2 hours, but of course that wasn't long enough. I wish we could have spent more time together, but I had so much fun, and we'll definitely be doing that again.

I hope y'all had an amazing thanksgiving!!!

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