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I Cut My Hair!!!

My hair is no longer long and luxurious! I have had it snipped, and it now reaches just below my shoulders! I have been exited to get my hair cut for a long time for a few certain reasons. I LOVED having my hair long, and I would love to keep it that way, but for a few things:

  • I had SO many split ends. SO many. It was terrible.

  • My hair isn't very thick, so if it gets really long, the ends of my hair will get kinda stringy ish, if that even makes sense.

  • It was getting a little too knotty and hard to brush (hence the split ends)

  • I love the feel of when the salon people massage your head and wash your hair... it always gives me the shivers (good shivers, not bad)

  • I just wanted something different.

Is that reason enough? I hope so. Because I did it anyways. When I was little, I always had my hair in a short bob. But as I got older, figured out how to braid, and realized that short hair doesn't work for braids, I decided to let my hair grow out. I cut it back to that bob a few times, but I haven't had short hair now for.....3 years? Wow, it's been a long time. The picture below is from 3 years ago. I'm with one of my friends at Csehy, back when we were such smol beans!

But now, I wanted something different, short (ish) hair for a change. So I asked a friend what she thought of my idea and she asked me to send her a picture of what I would be doing. For some reason the only picture I could find that was of what I kinda wanted was of.....

Emma Stone. So naturally my friend freaked out saying "Oh my gosh i love Emma Stone" and all that, but I had no idea why. *facedesk*

Anyways, that's kinda what I wanted (just without the front layers being so short) so I decided that this was the cut I wanted.

It was Thursday - and it hit me that it was my last day for at least a year with long hair. So I braided it into my signature boxer braids and made a fancy shmancy collage!

Wow, my computer camera quality is terrible. But the next day I was ready, and so headed to the Scott Miller Salon. (That place is so fancy and nice and just all around awesome, if you want a great experience and don't mind paying a bit more and you live in Rochester, go check it out!)

It is fantastic! My hair feels SO much healthier and I love how it feels and looks.

Plus, the new haircut goes great with my Halloween costume!

Homemade and it kinda looks like it. Oh well!

I hope you like my haircut as much as I do!!!

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