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Friday Findings: Lemon Loaf

I must admit that in many circumstances, I am not a huge fan of lemon things. Sometimes it's too sweet and sticky, other times far too sour. However, one lemon thing that I LOVE is a good lemon loaf. This quick bread is probably my favorite when it's made well. I found a recipe at The Country Cook and decided to try it out. It seems pretty simple, so I'll actually get done before everybody comes home. Phew. Last week's bread took FOREVER to make, even though the results were amazing.

Anyways, I'm going to make this today, and I hope that it goes well ;)

So I accidentally forgot to take pictures of all of the steps... I hope you'll forgive me!

The lemon cake was DELICIOUS. I found it here in case you wanted to try it!

But we weren't done with the lemons.

Saturday rolled around and Lizzie and I spontaneously decided to make lemonade! It was messy, and good, and even though our improvising needed a little bit of tweaking, it hit the spot. I managed to get a few cool pictures. :)

Yum. By the way, we did put the lemonade through a strainer, so there weren't any seeds in it. The picture above was taken before we did that. Oops :P

I had a lot of fun with my lemony weekend. What did you guys do?

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