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California Part 2

This is the part of the part that you've all been waiting for that you've all been waiting for!!! You probably didn't get that. It made sense in my head.

Yes, that is my dad photobombing an adorable alley. And yes, that is Carmel, California. I hope y'all are as excited as I was. My parents vacationed here a few years ago and could not stop talking about it! My siblings and I were SO jealous...until mom and dad floated the "ridiculous" idea of driving across the country to see it. And then we were even more jealous.

So even though we had loved every minute of the places we had gone previously, we were all waiting for this place, and one cloudy day we finally arrived. Woohoo!!

We naturally got down to the beach as quickly as we could, so I'll just let a few pictures explain.

It's a great picture, if you can ignore the odd angle in which my legs were sticking out of the sand!

Digging holes was fun!

I LOVE the waves. They were cold though.

So gorgeous!

AAAND...that's Pebble Beach, the famous and expensive golf course. Photobombed by a seagull.

(Photo credit for those pictures: the great and awesome dad)

And then for the majestic drive down the part of Route 1 that wasn't in a landslide...

Now all of you will be jealous. Mwa hahahhah ha HA! just kidding. I hope you guys see this someday. It is seriously amazing.

A little bit of the town and what we did. Sorry a lot of them got blurry - it was a little dark :)


So cool

da Giovanni's


I don't really know what I was photographing...

I loved all the signs!

Why is it so blurry?!?!?

Me too, BMW person!

Anyways, those were our adventures in Carmel and Monterey. Are you jealous yet?

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