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Waiting for Summer

You sit before a crackling fire, staring into the mesmerizing flames. You're hunched forward, warming your hands. Others around you roast marshmallows, and crickets conduct a rhythmical symphony all around you. You lean back in your chair and gaze at the heavens. Though the light years between you and the stars are numerous, you feel as if one leap could put you right up there with the sparkling pinpricks of light.

One of the many reasons I can't wait for summer to come.

In the last post, I talked about a few things that I'm currently wishing for, and one of those included Spring/Summer. Anyone who goes to my school or is in my family knows that every time I walk outside to snow on the ground, snow falling from the sky, or even just remnants of snow, I will start saying over and over, "I hate snow. I hate snow. I hate snow." MANY people disagree with me or say, "That means you want to kill animals living down in the polar ice caps." And guess what I say? "I hate snow. I hate snow." If I look out a window and see even meagre specks of snow. "I hate snow. I hate snow." I have honestly had more snow than I will ever need in a lifetime. "I hate snow."

In any case, I should probably provide some reasons that I can't wait for summer.

~Warmth. I hate being cold, just as much as I hate snow. Unfortunately, Rochester is the wrong place to live if you like warmth. I long for warmth.....and sun in general...

~Csehy. So Csehy is the music camp I go to every summer at Houghton College, and it is probably the best thing that has ever happened to me. If you play an instrument, PLEASE consider going. Please.

~Deer Camp. Story time: my grandpa has gone hunting in the fall at a certain hunting camp {in a teeny tiny town in the mountains of Pennsylvania} for the best of 49 years. So, every summer, we rent out the cabin for a week. It's so fun! We play in the creek and waste money on candy in the general store most of the time!

~Our Road Trip. For the first time this summer, we are buying a pop-up camper and going across the whole country!!!!!!! I'll get into that more as it comes closer........

So now you guys all know why I can't wait for winter to be over!!!

What are y'alls favorite season?


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