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Life Lately

It was a dreary day. A young girl sat on a chair next to the window, staring at the infinite grey and thinking about nothing in particular. She watched birds scurry through the humid air, playing and chirping with all of the energy that this Tuesday lacked. A robin pecked a worm out of the ground, pulling and pulling, then finally flying to its nest with its dirt-native prize. Sparrows flocked around the birdfeeder and on the wires that were strung in a gridular pattern all around the damp neighborhood. Her thoughts were interrupted by a door opening and footsteps in the hallway. The girl got up and reluctantly closed the curtains. She sighed and walked to the door.

Thank you for letting me indulge in a bit of writing. When I get inspiration for a story, I have to write it down, or else I forget all about it.

Last weekend was great because we got one day off at either end. So on Thursday night, I came home from school and had a violin lesson. After having dinner, my dad, sister and I drove downtown to go see the RPO play. The main selection was a Beethoven Violin Concerto played marvelously by James Ehnes. It was amazing! The orchestra went on to play Ravel's "Valses nobles et sentimentales" and Strauss' suite from Der Rosenkavalier. Both pieces were fabulous, and I had a wonderful time.

On Friday I slept in until 9:00. Really. I almost never sleep in, so it was surprising that I even slept solidly until then. We didn't really do anything until later that day, when I had a friend over. We had so much fun! When we took her back home, our parents talked for a lengthy stretch of time, so we goofed around with her and her brothers.

On Saturday, I went to orchestra as normal, and we got our seating audition results back - and I get to be concertmaster for most of the concert!!! So I was SUPER excited, and I got a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato on the way home. Mmm! My brother also had a very good SoloFest audition, so we were quite elated that day.

Sunday after church we went to dinner at some church friends' house, and I ate WAYYYY too much! Other than that we didn't do much...

On Monday we had to get up early because we had dentist appointments. Aaaaaand...they yelled at me yet again for not flossing or brushing well enough. Ugh. Dentists can be annoying sometimes. We then went to Panera Bread to get bagels, which were super good. And it was my dad's birthday!!!!!!!! We had homemade pizza for lunch (yummers!) and then went to my brother's brass ensemble concert, which went very well. Then I had to pack up for school and go to bed. :(

Yesterday was as normal as any school day ever was, with lots of rain (understatement - LOTS of rain) and today is just the same, just without the rain. Bleh. Grey and wet. Now can you see where I got the inspiration for the above story? ;)

This week I have really been thinking about Psalm 46, especially verse 5, which says: "God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day." I know that the Psalmist is talking about the city of God, but it can be taken as talking about a person. And that is really encouraging, knowing that God is always with me wherever I go, and I will not fall. Just thought I'd share that with y'all! :)

What has God been teaching y'all lately?


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