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2017, Sickness, and a Camera

Y'all, it's 2017. Already. Wow, where did 2016 go? As much turmoil and wacky stuff as there was, for me and my family, it was a pretty good year. And anyways, it's not 2016 every year.

Before I get to my intended post, let me apologize for all of the posts that are about random things. I have many ideas for posts all the time, but if I would make a post for each and every one, they would be very short posts indeed, and I would quickly lose the attention of whatever handful of readers I have managed to scrape up already. {Are my sentences too long?}

I have not had the most ideal last few days of 2016 and first few days of 2017. The very day after I published the resolutions post, I got sick - and when I get sick, I get sick. So that was a bit unpleasant, as I had a high fever for two days, I threw up at least once, and I had never ending diarrhea. Ew. But I got better enough by yesterday to at least eat something, and managed to put down a piece of buttered bread and some dinner....which was difficult to do after not having eaten for 3 days. Happy new can I go to bed?

...So I hope y'all like photography - because my dad just bought us a Nikon! It takes very good pictures (I don't know how good, but better than what we've had before), and I'm super excited to use it more. Today I tried to get some pictures of the birds outside and a bit of the January gloom (I do not like winter, or snow [after the first day of it]). What a yucky day! The snow is partly gone, it's raining, the skies are grey, the ground is mushy, and I have to go back to school tomorrow. Ugh.

I'm no pro, so I need to get used to this thing and use the right settings and stuff. But it's a super nice camera!

Do y'all like taking artsy photos?


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