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Already 2017?

In just 5 days it will be 2017! In just 1 month and 8 days it will be my birthday, and I'll turn 13! Then in 4 months my brother will turn 16 and get his permit! After that, there will be just 1 month until summer! Then I'll go to Csehy! And then we'll drive all the way across the country! And then I'll be in eighth grade! In 362 days it will be Christmas!

But before I get too far into next year, I need to plan a bit, and stop to ask myself what I want to do differently. There are a lot of things that we make goals to do, but how many times are those goals fully cemented into our routines? I'm going to have to hold myself accountable in 2017 so that I can build up good habits and break bad ones.

So here is a list of what I want to do this new year.

-Read the Bible every day

-Eat more healthily

-Write more poetry

-Read a lot more

-Pray at all times

-Blog more often

-Be kinder/more patient

-Spend more time outdoors

-Exercise more often/run

-Do NaNo (that's for you, Aria)

I will be seriously busy trying to remember to do all of these things...

What are y'all's resolutions? Did you have good holidays?


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