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One Solo, Two Mini Skillets, and Forever on a Bus

I apologize most fervently, I have not had any time these past three days to post anything! There have been so many things going on that my computer usage time has been EXTREMELY limited. I'll start with Tuesday.

Tuesday's first event was the dress rehearsal for my school's Christmas Concert. That went as dress rehearsals do, with nerves running a little higher than they normally do. I got home and instantly started on my homework. When I had finished that, I immediately had to get dressed and zoom to the other side of town for the concert. That went well, but I was super nervous for a solo I was singing in choir. It went really well, but...turns out that nobody heard it anyways because the mic wasn't turned on. Thanks, tech people. All of the nerves for nothing.

Yesterday (Wednesday) was not as crazy as Tuesday, but I had to (after watching a bit of Studio C) go to a violin lesson. I had a very good lesson, and worked mainly on recording and critiquing my Solo Fest piece {EEP!}. Then I came home, and ate some chicken corn noodle soup, which felt REALLY good going down. As soon as that was down my throat, it was off to the Youth Group party! I had so much fun with my friend Kylee and all of the other Covenant Presbyterian/Grace PCA teens. We played lots of games and ate LOTS of cookies (not like I need any more sugar) and ended the night with a White Elephant gift exchange. Guess what I got? TWO MINI SKILLETS! WITH SKILLET BROWNIE MIX! They are legit cast iron skillets, so I was very happy. (My brother got a basketball - can't wait to pump that up and use that in the spring!) Anyone who really knows me knows that I LOVE to bake. They're also super convenient for camping....

Here they are!

And now I come to the most exciting (and dangerous) part of my past few days: what seemed like an eternity on a bus. You're probably wondering how this can be exciting, but let me tell you, riding a bus in blizzard/white-out conditions is SCARY. We could barely see ten feet in front of the bus, it was coming down and blowing so hard. Up here in the frozen north (kidding we're in upstate New York - right by lake Ontario, so we get a lot of lake effect) we tend to get a lot of snow, or at least very cold weather, so we should have been ready for this, but it's the first major storm that we've had so far. Very cold! It took {ok Catharine, you can do basic math} 1 and a half hours to get to school, when it normally takes us 30 minutes. We got to school an hour late. One of my friends' bus even went off the road and into a ditch! We totally should have gotten a snow day.

So it's been very cold as of late, and we had to break out the boots and gear.

Do y'all get a lot of snow where you live?


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