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DIY Intricate Snowflake

Hey, y'all! Today I'm going to show you a tutorial on how to make large, beautiful, and intricate paper snowflakes. They are gorgeous. They do look very hard to make, but when I learned how to make them last year, I was shocked at how easy they were.

1.) First take six rectangular pieces of paper and fold one corner all the way down, so you have a triangle and a small rectangle.

2.) Cut off the rectangle part so that you have just the triangles, or squares folded diagonally.

3.) Put three of the rectangles inside each other like a weird rectangular book.

4.) Make six cuts along the edge (this is a bit tricky, try to copy the picture).

5.) Separate the triangles and open them up so that you have a square with odd cuts in it.

6.) Take the innermost square (made by the smallest cuts) and roll the two sides together. Tape them. (Sorry about the glitch in this photo, I have no idea what happened!)

7.) Turn the whole thing over and do the same thing with the next section. Tape those together.

8.) Proceed to do the same with the next section.

9.) Do this with the outermost section, and tape it. The square should look like this:

10.) Repeat 6-9 with the rest of the squares. You should have a pile of wavy white stuff like this:

11.) Staple the tips of two squares together.

12.) Staple the middle of the two squares together.

13.) Staple another square on in the same way.

14.) Staple the other three together (SEPERATELY).

15.) Staple the two sections together in the middle, like a bowtie or a swirly butterfly.

16.) Then staple the middles of both sides together, and voilà! You have a swirly snowflake!

I hope this tutorial made some sense to you, and that you were able to make one of these beauties!


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